Mother and Son Arrested Under Suspicion of Burning Down Veterinary Clinic

In recent news, a veterinary clinic was burned to the ground in the Beit Shemesh region in the State of Israel. The walls were covered with graffiti, which referred to the doctor who runs the clinic as a murderer. A mother and her son were later on taken in under suspicion of being involved in setting fire to the building, as well as painting the message on the wall. An anonymous source further revealed that the incident was followed by a couple of threats that the veterinarian in charge of the facility received. Dr. Maya Kimchi had been sent several disturbing messages, prior to the building being burned down. 

Fire and Rescue Services were the first to arrive on the scene. They found that the one-story building was on fire, which cause them to be concerned about the possibility of animals and doctors being trapped on the inside. Two teams were assigned the responsibility of extinguishing the flames, as they constantly searched for pets and people and any calls for help. However, after hours of searching, it was found that no one, person or animal, had been injured or trapped. On the other hand, the exterior walls of the facility had been covered in graffiti, which accused Maya Kimchi of being an abuser. It also referred to her as a murderer of dogs. 

Moshe Bitton, a fireman officer who arrived on the scene soon after the fire was ablaze, stated that the first thing he saw was that a fire was burning inside all three rooms of the building. He, being the shift commander entrusted with the duty of gaining control of the situation, selected a group of his colleagues and went on to break the door down. As soon as the door was broken, they started to firefight. He added that by this point, they did not know that it was a veterinary clinic.

However, once the fire subsided somewhat, the firefighters realized that the facility was a clinic and became concerned for any animals or people that could be trapped. Thus, their first course of action was to ventilate the entire building.

In other news, former Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has finally filed a complaint with the Israeli police related to a political activist group. The basis of his complaint is that he believes that the activist organization is trying to incite violence against the members of his family. These threats started soon after it was announced that the opposition leader’s security detail would be lifted. Therefore, the former Prime Minister has decided to seek an extension on the government-granted security detail that protects his family. 

The Ministerial Committee of the Shin Bet is set to put an end to the protection being provided to Netanyahu’s family members. The decision to do so had been made back in June of 2020 when he lost the elections and was ousted as the country’s Prime Minister. However, in light of his family receiving various threats, Netanyahu has announced that he will be seeking a change of decision from the Security Committee. 

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